MD Stefania Mazzieri

Surgeon and General practitioner

MD Stefania Mazzieri

Surgeon and General practitioner

I consider diseases to be keys that can unlock certain doors for us.

MD Stefania Mazzieri


Medical degree, diploma in naturopathy at the University of Siena, CISDO diploma in homeopathy, specialised courses in acupuncture, functional medicine and nutritional medicine. Practising at the ADLER Thermae Resort/Tuscany.

My approach

I always start with a thorough consultation which enables me to get a clear, comprehensive picture of my patient’s state of health. In order to do so, I encourage them to talk freely about themselves, their lifestyle, their ailments and any family diseases. The account of the patient’s medical history also often covers topics that are usually overlooked by standard medical practice. A series of simple, non-invasive check-ups is then performed to determine disease susceptibility and recognise any organic dysfunctions, subclinical inflammation or signs of deficiency. By adopting a differentiated approach to diverse aspects of health, I can tailor a personalised therapeutic plan for each patient.  

My fields of specialism

I specialise in functional diagnostics, functional medicine and functional nutrition. I am especially interested in the latest research in nutritional medicine and epigenetics (how environmental factors affect our genes).

Why choose the ADLER MED method?

The ADLER MED philosophy is also my own: living a healthy life is not only possible, it should be our main goal. The ADLER MED programmes are highly personalised so that every patient can benefit from the best possible results both during and after their stay, from diagnostics through to therapy and nutrition plans. In fact, we also offer telephone aftercare for optimal and long-lasting therapeutic results.