Prevention & diagnosis

Establishing your state of health is the first step towards a personalised health and prevention plan

All medical services

Find here our list of all our ADLER MED services. Depending on the chosen treatment, the therapy begins with a preliminary examination to define the right health plan along with our doctors. Contact us for more details and a personalized consultation.

Abdominal massage therapy
Analysis of the Autonomic Nervous System

The ANS Analysis alerts you as soon as a problem begins to develop – before symptoms appear and while labs and other examinations are still normal. No other assessment can catch developing disease at an earlier stage.

It recognizes at an early stage which risks exist for organs and organ systems, burnout danger and the effect of medicines and other therapies on the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

- Evaluation of health status with ANS analysis 60 €

Basic blood tests

Blood mirrors our health. Therefore, blood values are a key tool for diagnosis that can reveal a number of diseases and deficiency symptoms. Basic blood analysis provides data regarding – among other things – blood composition, kidney and liver functioning, metabolism, glycaemia and fats associated with cardiovascular risk. Nutritional imbalances and insufficient or excessive physical exercise can also be diagnosed by blood analysis.
Basic blood tests determine the following values:
Haemogram (blood count)
Urea and uric acid
Transaminase and GGT (Gamma GT) enzymes
Triglycerides and cholesterol

Bioelectric check-up

The bioelectric check-up measures the body’s response to stressful stimuli. Electrodes are placed on single body areas to provide light, non-perceptible electrical impulses to check whether the body’s reaction is proportionate to such stimuli. An under- or overreaction to stimuli indicates the presence of some disorder within the body. The bioelectric check-up provides a wealth of valuable diagnostic information about, for example, energy levels, potential burnout risk, organ functioning and degree of acidity in the body. This test provides useful suggestions for a holistic, personalised therapeutic strategy which may include: food supplements, targeted exercise programmes and a tailored nutrition plan. A bioelectric check-up is especially recommended in cases of inflammatory conditions, allergies and intolerances, harmful effects of some substances, hyperacidity, environmental stress, stressful lifestyles, fatigue and loss of vitality.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis

Regular scales are unable to determine what percentages of muscles and adipose tissue make up a person’s body weight. Therefore, body composition is a more accurate indicator of a patient’s health condition than body weight alone. BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) is a globally-recognised method to measure the variables of body weight, in particular muscle mass, body fat and water balance. This kind of measurement also provides information on other important parameters, such as intra- and extracellular fluid content, bone mass (indicator of predisposition to osteoporosis) and the ratio between healthy and pathological body fat (abdominal fat), as well as concentration levels of various minerals and trace elements. Metabolism, stress levels and the body’s ability to burn oxygen and convert food into energy can also be measured by BIA.

Bioimpedancemetry with blood type diet

The bioelectrical impedancemetry is a non-invasive test that provides a number of important parameters such as body weight, muscle mass, body fat, hydration status, bone density and levels of mineral salts and glycogen, as well as oxidative stress. The test also provides a metabolic profile as the basis for a personalised nutrition plan, by helping to determine which foods are good for a patient’s metabolism and the optimal intake of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

It is also possible to adjust the nutrition plan according to the patient’s blood type profile. Based on the notion that blood type influences a person’s chemistry and physiology, specific diets are recommended for the four different blood types A, B, AB, and O, which reflect the lifestyle and diet of our ancestors.

Cardiovascular profile blood tests

Cardiovascular diseases are a large umbrella that covers all the illnesses that affect the heart as well as all blood vessels, i.e. veins and arteries. These include, among others, hypertension, elevated blood lipids and cholesterol levels, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmia and stroke. Major cardiovascular risk factors include genetic predisposition and an unhealthy lifestyle. It is therefore paramount that patients suffering from cardiovascular disease adopt a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to baseline blood analyses, the cardiovascular profile blood tests include:

  • Complement component C3
  • Serum iron
  • C-reactive protein
  • Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c)
  • Lipoprotein
  • Homocysteine
  • Insulin resistance (HOMA)
  • Vitamin D
  • Electrolytes: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium
  • Urine analysis
Chronic infection test with aromatogram

Chronic infections are caused by pathogenic microorganisms – such as viruses, bacteria or fungi – which the immune system is unable to effectively combat. They can affect different organs such as, for example, the ears, bronchi or bladder. If the presence of pathogens is detected, an aromatogram can be performed to determine the most effective essential oils for treatment.

Coeliac disease test

Since coeliac disease is usually manifes in non-specific symptoms such as headaches, general malaise, digestive disorders, insomnia and irritability, this condition can remain undetected for a long time. However, a simple blood test is sufficient to detect specific antibodies and diagnose coeliac disease. In addition, this test enables a differential diagnosis to be performed against gluten intolerance, which is not the same thing as coeliac disease despite causing similar symptoms.

Complete check-up

The complete check-up is a comprehensive series of tests including both diagnostic profiling and nutritional profiling. The aim is to create a holistic, personalised package of health-promoting measures by collecting as many parameters as possible.

Diagnostic profile

Diagnostic profiling is a combination of bioelectrical impedance analysis and bioelectric check-up. By matching the results of the two tests, the practitioner gathers precise information on the patient’s physical and emotional state. An in-depth medical consultation follows, with recommendations that vary depending on individual needs, from a balanced diet to sports and physical exercise, and from adequate stress management to detox and naturopathic therapies.

Diligentis test

Swab test with aromatogram for the diagnosis of chronic infections

EQUILIBRIUM intestinal flora and parasite test with aromatogram

Besides microbial pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses, this stool test also reveals the presence of several parasite species. By metabolising nutrients and using the host’s energy reserves, intestinal parasites can cause malnutrition symptoms. If the patient tests positive for pathogens or parasites, an aromatogram is used to identify the most suitable essential oils for treatment, based on their antibacterial, antifungal or antiparasitic effects. The purpose of this test is to determine possible causes of various conditions such as flatulence, intestinal inflammation, irregular bowel function, food intolerance, immune disorders, weakness and fatigue.

EQUILIBRIUM intestinal flora test with aromatogram

A stool test is performed to detect the presence of any microbial pathogens and diagnose any fungal, bacterial or viral infections. In the event of positive findings, an aromatogram is used to select various essential oils for treatment, based on their antibacterial or antifungal effects.
This test is used to identify possible causes of gastrointestinal ailments such as flatulence, intestinal inflammation, irregular bowel function or food intolerances.

Faecal occult blood test

The test for occult blood can detect even tiny amounts of blood in stool which would not be visible to the naked eye. For people over 50 years of age – as well as in cases of obvious intestinal disorders – it is advisable to test for occult blood every second year.
While it is true that occult blood can be associated with conditions like intestinal inflammation, polyps and several types of neoplasm, this phenomenon can be caused by a variety of other factors including a diet rich in meat or the consumption of certain types of fruit and vegetables. Therefore, positive test results per se should not cause alarm as they do not necessarily suggest serious illness.

Female profile blood tests

It is known that hormonal imbalance in women can cause conditions such as cycle disorders, PMS and menopause-related problems. However, the hormone system is so finely tuned that even the slightest change can also cause a number of mostly non-specific signs and symptoms such as mood swings, chronic fatigue, sudden weight gain and skin conditions. Our Female profile blood tests help identify the underlying causes of such health issues and include baseline blood analyses as well as the following values:

  • Cortisol
  • DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate)
  • Thyroid hormones: FT3, FT4, TSH
  • Prolactin
  • Estradiol
  • Progesterone
  • Testosterone
  • FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
  • LH (Luteinising Hormone)
  • Serum iron
  • C-reactive protein
  • Ferritin
  • Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium)
  • Urine analysis
Food intolerance test

This test has been devised to detect allergic reactions to foods mediated by G-type antibodies (IgG, immunoglobulin G). Food intolerances are often hard to diagnose, as reactions can arise hours, sometimes even days after ingestion of the food allergen. The food intolerance test is performed by taking just one drop of blood from the patient’s finger.
The following signs and symptoms might indicate food intolerances: gastrointestinal disorders, overweight, skin conditions, neurological disorders such as headaches, migraine and nausea, respiratory disorders, mood swings and fatigue.

Gold intestinal parasite test

While parasite infections usually occur through ingestion of contaminated food, sometimes pets can also carry parasites. What makes parasites particularly insidious is the fact that their presence might not cause any recognisable signs or symptoms. However, most intestinal parasites cause nutrient deficiency states, with signs including bloating, chronic constipation, chronic diarrhoea, stomach and intestinal ulcers and autoimmune diseases.

GUTSCAN digestive function and intestinal flora test

This stool test consists of a macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the digestive function and composition of intestinal flora, useful for determining the state of health of gut flora and detecting possible pathogens in the digestive tract. Based on the findings, a personalised therapeutic programme is devised to regulate digestion and improve overall health.

GUTSCAN PLUS digestive function, intestinal flora and permeability test

The Gutscan Plus test provides a macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the digestive function, composition of gut flora and intestinal permeability. A leaky intestine can cause harmful substances to seep through, leading to a number of disorders such as diffuse abdominal pain, food intolerance, weakened immune system or liver problems. Based on the findings, a personalised therapeutic programme is devised to improve overall health by regulating digestion and strengthening the immune system

Heavy metal test

An incorrect lifestyle and the daily exposure to pollutants and toxic metals can cause these elements to overload in our bodies. This is even more significant if there is a deficiency of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc, which cover important enzymatic functions. The OLIGOSCAN spectrophotometric test estimates the presence of fundamental minerals and the possible overload of heavy metals. These results make it possible to customize therapeutic proposals in terms of food supplementation and/or the use of detoxifying products, in order to stimulate the natural defences and the emuntorial capacity of the organism. Only the blood group data is needed. 

Helicobacter Pylori test with aromatogram

Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterium that colonises the gastric mucous membrane and, if left untreated, leads to gastric inflammation or ulcers.
A simple stool test can reliably detect this germ and, should the findings be positive, an aromatogram is used to choose the most effective essential oils for treatment.


A detailed preliminary discussion between patient and doctor is the first, essential step for successful homeopathic therapy. Homeopathic remedies are personalised and chosen on the basis not only of current symptoms, but also on all aspects of the patient’s life. Factors like psychological condition, medical history, personal and professional development and environmental influence are investigated in order to identify any correspondences to identify the most appropriate remedy.
In this context, homeopathic medicaments are always prescribed with the aim of enabling the patient to overcome their illness autonomously by strengthening their health and resilience, rather than for mere palliative purposes.
Made of ingredients mainly obtained from plants, these remedies can either be diluted or concentrated to meet individual needs and used in minimal doses with absolutely no side effects.

Homeopathy can be useful for the treatment of: common colds, digestive problems, allergies, skin conditions, headaches, pregnancy sickness and psychic disorders including depressive mood, stress and sleeping disorders.

IDEA and ZONULINA digestive function test

This stool test enables digestive activity and intestinal permeability to be analysed. Based on the findings, a therapeutic programme is then devised to promote efficient and regular digestion. It is a diagnostic test that is particularly recommended in cases of digestive disorders such as flatulence and non-specific ailments such as fatigue and susceptibility to infection.

Iomet test for active cell nutrition

Developed by the Institute for Nutrition and Prevention in Lyon, France, this non-invasive test starts with a medical examination including a computerised analysis of the patient’s lifestyle: eating habits, environment, medical history and self-assessment of state of health. This enables possible health issues to be identified which, if left untreated, could lead to cellular damage. Based on test results, a tailored nutritional plan and personalised therapy are devised.

Lady Flora test

A large number of ailments affecting the female reproductive organs are caused by the proliferation of microorganisms such as lactobacillus, streptococcus or yeast fungus. In the event of a positive test result, an aromatogram is used to determine the most appropriate essential oils for treatment, based on their antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Male profile blood tests

Stress and hormonal imbalance can cause a number of common problems such as listlessness, decreased performance and fatigue as well as a range of psychosomatic ailments such as sleep disorders and tension-type headache. However, there are several strategies to restore hormonal balance and vitality, some of which involve natural treatments. This male-specific blood analysis provides an insight into hormonal balance and state of health, as well as levels of oxidative stress with its associated risk factors. Besides baseline blood tests, it includes:

  • Cortisol
  • DHEA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate)
  • Thyroid hormones: FT3, FT4, TSH
  • Testosterone
  • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
  • Prolactin
  • Progesterone
  • Serum iron
  • Ferritin
  • Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium)
  • Urine analysis

With a thousand-year old tradition, this treatment falls within the field of acupuncture and involves heating different body areas – mostly corresponding to acupuncture points – by burning a sprig of dried mugwort. As the heat penetrates deep into the tissues, it stimulates the energy flow (Qi). According to Chinese tradition, moxibustion can be used to treat diseases caused by internal or external cold (for example diarrhoea caused by an excess of cold foods in the former case and musculoskeletal pain in the latter). Besides musculoskeletal conditions, the practice of moxibustion can also help combat infections.

NanoVi Regenerative Therapy

The innovative NanoVi therapy repairs cell damages caused by free radicals and contributes to a faster cellular regeneration. In addition, by stimulating the metabolic and cellular activity, it increases the quality of life and rises the vitality, which can be maintained even when being under a high level of stress.

- 1 session 20 min. 38 €

- 6 sessons of 20 min. 193 €

- 12 sessions of 20 min. 356 €

Neural therapy

Neural therapy focuses on pathogenic processes which affect a given system or organ, even though symptoms may seem to affect a different area of the body. The neural-therapeutic approach works through the functions of the so-called basic substance, i.e. the connective tissue that can be found everywhere in the human body. According to recent scientific findings, this not only has a supporting function, but also plays an important role in immune defence and works as a transit route in all metabolic and intracorporeal communication processes. The strength of neural therapy lies in the treatment of both symptoms and their causes, even when the triggering stimulus is no longer clearly identifiable. By boosting the body's self-regulation and self-healing processes, neural therapy enables a wide range of conditions to be treated, both in cases of acute symptoms and, especially, cases of chronic ailments.

NEW genetic testing

Genetic tests are performed by collecting DNA through a mouth swab. They are a useful evaluation tool in cases of chronic and degenerative diseases and states of inflammation or deficiency, as well as for analysing metabolism and nutritional needs. These types of tests help to provide a better understanding of a patient’s general state of health and identify potential imbalances so as to improve their quality of life. Based on test results, the physician tailors the therapy, lifestyle adjustments and nutritional plan as part of a personalised, preventive approach.

We offer two types of genetic tests:

  • Health and well-being test (€ 590) This DNA test focuses on cardiovascular metabolism, general inflammation, ageing, bone health, weight control and more.
  • Nutritional test (€ 390) This DNA test detects coeliac disease and intolerances, including intolerance to lactose, nickel, caffeine and more.


Oxygen ozone therapy - NEW!

Ideal for premature ageing, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, low back and neck pain, recurrent vaginal infections and intestinal diseases. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas, also produced by the human body, which is formed from oxygen. It is a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and has an anti-inflammatory, tension relieving, regenerating and pain relieving action. Promotes the elimination of toxic substances from the body and rebalances the immune system. Ozone improves blood circulation, counteracts intestinal dysbiosis, dissolves localized adiposity and reduces cellulite. 

Big self-infusion 178 € 

Small self-infusion 128 € 

Subcutaneous, intramuscular injections 128 € 

Rectal insufflations 97 €


The use of medicinal plants to produce healing oils, ointments, teas and tinctures goes back to ancient times. Today, knowledge of the healing power of plants is used to complement modern medical research. Phytotherapy is a valuable resource both as complementary and preventive medicine and can be used to alleviate mild or chronic conditions, for example disorders affecting the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems or the skin.

TOP profile blood tests

Our body functions are the result of a complex interplay of anatomical structures and physiological processes. This is why we have devised our TOP Profile blood tests – comprehensive blood analysis that will provide your practitioner with detailed information on your state of health, including metabolism, sugar- and bone metabolism, iron storage (ferritin), pro-inflammatory factors, thyroid hormones, immune system response, nutrient intake (vitamins, minerals, trace elements), electrolytes, liver- and kidney functioning and hormonal balance, as well as a series of sex-specific parameters.
Signs of physical and mental stress can also be detected through blood tests. The TOP Profile services include urine analysis and all the blood tests listed on our homepage.

Urine analysis

Urine analysis serves to determine the composition of urine and detect any deviations from range parameters. In fact, several substances are sometimes found in the urine that might indicate a disease, including blood, glucose, proteins, white blood cells, bacteria or other pathogens. In addition, urine analysis provides information on pH value, possible metabolic disorders (e.g. increased glycaemia in cases of diabetes) or infections in the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract.