Medical glossary

Meridian system

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the meridian system is an invisible network of channels through which vital energy (Qi in Chinese) flows inside the body. Acupuncture points, which are linked to certain organs or physiological functions, are located along the meridians. There are two types of meridian: longitudinal meridians are the main ones and they are linked to each other by transverse meridians. TCM mainly deals with the 12 main meridians as they play a major role in human health. The network extends through the whole body, both at deep and superficial levels, bringing energy to all organs and systems. However, when blockages or imbalances occur in the energy flow, individual organs or entire apparatuses may suffer from excessive or insufficient energy delivery.

Just as inner discomfort can cause external disorders, it is also possible to rely on external stimuli to influence the energy flow and the health of specific body regions. By manipulating the meridian system, the physician or therapist can therefore restore energy balance and improve the patient’s well-being.