The 5 primordial elements
Breath and a good
oxygenation - Part 2

How we can use our breath as an efficient tool for our well-being.


Today we will learn how we can use our breath as an efficient tool for our well-being.

Renowned research institutes for respiratory physiology agree that breathing is a very effective tool for synchronizing the heart rhythm with brain activity and blood pressure and thus reaching the so-called coherence state, in which we can maximize our physical and psychological potential.

How does it work? Let's try together ...

First of all, I invite you to find a quiet place where nobody is bothering you.

Stand upright, your feet are firmly rooted in the ground, your shoulders are relaxed. Lengthen your spine as if an invisible thread was pulling your head up.

When inhaling, visualize a tube that connects the nose to the navel. Let the air flow in deeply and evenly, as if a viscous liquid would first fill your navel area, then your lower chest and finally your lungs.

Hold your breath for about 2 seconds. Now exhale slowly through your mouth, pronouncing the letter “S”: “sssssss …… ..”. Why "S"? Because the “S” leaves our glottis open, so that any form of tension in the neck, throat and shoulder area can be released.

Imagine you are a balloon with a small hole through which everything that is blocking or straining you flows out in that right moment.

If you do this exercise in the morning and evening for 5 minutes each, you will feel its positive impact very soon.

Remember: breathing is an innate process that has mnemonic properties. As soon as we learn a certain breathing pattern, it becomes a habit that is known to be spontaneous and automatic.

If we measured this breathing process with our PPG stress flow device, we could exactly observe its calming effects on blood pressure, heart and brain activity.